R's Note

Ubuntu dpkg 상태 확인. [펌] 본문


Ubuntu dpkg 상태 확인. [펌]

Nenlin2 2016. 5. 10. 20:53

dpkg (debian package manager) is the package manager for Ubuntu (debian based distributions). dpkg can be used to install packages in Ubuntu. With dpkg, you can see the status of various packages like:

  • the packages are currently installed
  • the packages are removed
  • the configuration files are present
  • marked for removal

dpkg -l (list)을 통해 얻은 화면

첫번째 column 이 package의 상태 이다. 이상태는 총 3개의 문자로 표기된다. xxx

첫번째 문자: desired state

  1. u: Unknown (an unknown state)
  2. i: Install (marked for installation)
  3. r: Remove (marked for removal)
  4. p: Purge (marked for purging)
  5. h: Hold
두번째 문자: current state 현재 상태
  1. n: Not- The package is not installed
  2. i: Inst – The package is successfully installed
  3. c: Cfg-files – Configuration files are present
  4. u: Unpacked- The package is stilled unpacked
  5. f: Failed-cfg- Failed to remove configuration files
  6. h: Half-inst- The package is only partially installed
  7. W: trig-aWait
  8. t: Trig-pend

세번째 문자 : error state 에러여부

  1. R: Reinst-required The package must be installed.

ii, pn, rc가 대부분... [...] R나오면 망...

출처 : https://linuxprograms.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/status-dpkg-list/

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